Thursday, December 8, 2016

My Christmas Blessing #8

There is something about Christmas lights.  Something magical, something peaceful, something warm, something meaningful.  Each twinkling Christmas light is a Christmas blessing.

We love to decorate our home with lights.  This year, we are hanging "gingerbread" lights.  Red and white, red and white.  I love living in an area where we are enjoying fresh trees filled with lights.  A new Christmas tradition.  The moment we turn on the Christmas lights, something magical happens as if the glow of lights penetrates the heart.  Suddenly, the craziness of the season disappears into the darkness and all that remains is light.  Warm, soft, peaceful, hope-filled light ..

In some ways, I suppose that is the entire Christmas story.  Matthew and Luke describe a dark night in an oppressed land in the midst of an upside-down world.  Cruelty and licentiousness defined the times; much like today.  Hopelessness was heavy in the air.  The people wondered, "Has God forgotten us? Abandoned us? Turned His back on us?!"  In the midst of that darkness came light.  I don't mean the Star, even though it may fit.  I am referring to the "Light in the Darkness"; the light described by John.  Light came into the world and even the oppressive darkness could not overcome it.  Truly, I am not sure that anyone who visited Jesus as He lay in that manger understood even a fraction of who He was and why He came.  I do think that they felt it and it was something beautiful.  Something indescribable.  Something peaceful .. Something warm .. Bringing hope to all.

For the first time in a long time, light was shining in the darkness, and at that moment, none of the troubles and chaos outside of the stable mattered at all.  All that mattered was the light.  This is how I feel when I look at my Christmas blessings twinkling and lighting up a night sky because ..

I ride the dark horse ..

Copyright © 2016 by CandaLeeParker,

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