Saturday, March 16, 2019

No One Owns Me

No one owns me!  Those who try to control other people are neither nice or respectful.  Controlling people are self-centered and immature.  They want to hinder you leading a fulfilling, independent life.  With the easiness of hiding behind a computer screen, they want to demean and control how persons feel about you.

Our stalker/cyber bully writes in her recent post that "I OWN YOU! I have the control. I OWN YOU... I'll always be better than you."  Of course, she is referring to me.  Of course, she is unraveling in her words.  Better than me?  This is not a competition; we have two separate lives and we have different value systems.  At least, I have admitted my shortcomings and making great strides to better myself; academically, professionally, and personally.

One has to examine a stalker's behavior.  Her internet posts are public.  There is no expectation of privacy.  Believe me, no one goes out of their way to stalk her.  There is nothing to stalk.  She is obsolete, small, unimportant in our part of the world.  We do not live in the past, we do not dwell in the past, and past mistakes are working to be taken care of.  We do not care about her.  We pray for her as we do others.  We have examined her behavior, her moodiness, her mental illnesses that SHE wrote publicly about and still does, we know that she has a temper and uses it, she wrote about it publicly.   Look at what she writes publicly; rambling, incoherent statements.  How can she own me if she cannot own herself!

When we understand the behavior, we understand how to move away from the negative person.  Controlling people often do not have close friends and rarely are friends with others who are more attractive, intelligent, or well-liked more than themselves.  They tend to be jealous of the popular, successful people, and will criticize those held in high-regard by others.  A lack of close friends may be one additional sign of their inability to tolerate others and their need to control relationships tightly.  How true is this!!  We know that she is sexually promiscuous and uses this ability to control men. She claims to be the victim to solicit sympathy and uses this as a control measure as well.  Unfortunately, I am the person she lashes out at but it has become okay.  She made fun of my weight, my counselor, and my employment.  She taunted that we would never fight her in court. Her life; no way!  Does she own me?  No way!  

Relationships and friendships are not built on who is in control.  They are mutual interactions based on shared give and take and always seeking balance.  Be careful who you allow to control your thoughts and actions.  And (giggle turned laughter), take every day as an accomplishment and enjoy the small blessings of getting better, stronger, and brilliant!!

Copyright © 2019 By CandaLee Parker 

All rights reserved. This blog or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or similar cited with author's name and copyright and only with written permission of the author.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Keep It Simple!

I love making recipes from scratch .. Isn't this the way that we start a new day?  From scratch; from the very beginning, a new chapter, a new story, the movement forward a clear path.  What happens when other persons do not allow for a new day, a new way, second chances?

Adult bullies love to reveal the shortcomings and mistakes of others.  It seems to make them feel superior.  It can make one uncomfortable if they let it.   Remember, being bullied by an adult is not like a bully in middle school slapping the books out of your hand or tripping you in the hallway.  An adult bully is calculating and cruel.  Our adult bully has been on her life-long journey to humiliate, embarrass, harass, victimize, and the list of words can go on.  She <giggles> at the misfortune of others; not just me but those she thinks breaks the law.  Little known is her struggles with law enforcement and the justice system.  Karma has a way of working itself to the forefront of anyone's life!

In the past year, I have learned to never be afraid to speak your mind and not keep anything inside before exploding.  I have learned so much about life this year, I can write about it.  As a fellow person in the writing and blog world, I advise people to never be afraid to speak up and stand for your rights.  If you see something not right, speak up!  If people want to tease and taunt you about things that they do not know, speak up!  If people don't know what is going on with you and they run their mouth, speak up! Life is  hard battle in just the living and surviving these days. You must be strong and have a back up plan!   Speaking your mind and standing up for yourself is necessary.  It does not have to be done in a negative way but you can take a stand and stand up for what you believe in.  After all, my stalker/cyber bully has taught me this well.  By law, I am allowed the freedom of speaking out against her negative behavior and cruel acts towards me.  Her issue is one-sided; she is allowed to do it to me but I am not allowed to do it to her!   We have all been allowed the freedom and the voice to speak up!  Nothing is wrong with speaking up, nothing is wrong with the freedom of expression as long as we do it diplomatically and in a positive way.

Keep it simple because I ride the dark horse ..

Copyright © 2019 By CandaLee Parker 

All rights reserved. This blog or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or similar cited with author's name and copyright and only with written permission of the author.