Saturday, December 3, 2016

My Christmas Blessing #2

We have been married for 18 years this month and I wouldn't trade this man for the world.  Want to know why?  I will spell it out in plain and simple language.  Don't get me wrong; we have had our disagreements, trust issues, and many days apart with his employment.  More importantly, we have learned how to be happy spouses and having a phenomenal marriage.
  • He tells me that he loves me every day, and I mean every day!  More often than not, he calls, texts, and leaves me notes letting me know how much he loves and appreciates my hard work, loving him, and our home.
  • He prays for me and with me. I matter enough to him that he talks to God about me and my needs.
  • When he was working, he worked hard to provide a living for us.  I have always felt secure in his determination to do this.  It is not like we haven't had hard times, we have and sometimes, still do.  Since our roles have reversed and he is the home body, I always have lunches for work, a warm car to head to work in, suppers when I get home, and quiet time for homework.
  • He tells me that my hugs give him comfort and energy, especially since he has been so ill as of late.  He'll say, "I need a hug", and I'll answer, "Me, too."  We like hugs.
  • He is a gentleman and treats me a like a lady; opens doors for me, helps me with my coat, takes my hand when we cross a street or walk together, pulls out my chair for me to be seated; things like that.
  • He takes me on a weekly date.  He has done it for as long as I remember.  He knows how important it is to have quality, alone time in my busy schedule.
  • We love going to the movies and he is willing to take me to a chick flick and even acts as though he enjoys it.  I repay him with an adventure movie the next time.
  • He brings me chicken strips when I am feeling down.  He knows I really like them; it's healing medicine for me.
  • He encourages me to develop my talents.  I take oil painting lessons, cello lessons, writing lessons, riding lessons; he makes sure it happens. I love how be brags about me when performing or competing.
  • He tells me I am attractive, even during those times when I do not feel a bit attractive.  You know, before the makeup or combed hair.  It surprises me and makes me happy inside.  He makes me do all I want to do all I can to look good for him and for myself.  Does he care or make fun of a few extra pounds?  Never, a true and honest man.
  • He loves to buy me gifts.  I will come home to flowers, a new coat, and just yesterday, new sweaters.  If he sees something that I really like and I won't purchase for myself, he makes note and I will find it in some place where he knows I will look.
  • He wants me by his side.  He will come in and say, "Road trip!" and we are gone.  Our favorite place is Home Depot.  He will load up our RV and we are gone!!  I am so happy that he loves to be with me.
  • He helps me make the bed.  If I get up before he does, which I often do with my employment schedule, he makes it alone.  That's right, he loves a clean, neat bedroom as much as I do!
  • He cares about others.  So often, even when he doesn't feel good, I see him out helping at the school, tutoring a student, visiting a friend from Eastern Washington who now lives close to us and in assisted living, taking care of our animals; his compassion touches my heart and makes him more complete.
  • He loves our children and frets over their sorrows and heartaches. He is not quite as emotional as I am about it as I am, but his love is deep and real.  His heart is with them.  He helps them.
  • He adores our grandchildren.  I am so glad that it makes it double the fun to spoil them and he is good at teasing and being playful with them.  They love it and so do I.
  • He has always been faithful to me.  For all of our married life, he has faced temptation being away so much of the time in our marriage. Because of how sacred he considers our marriage vows, he has never wavered in that trust even though I  may have.
  • I love that he is willing to help me with yard work even though its on the bottom of his favorite things to do list.  He does it for me because I love a beautiful yard with no clutter.  He is willing to work with me on this.
  • He takes care of me when I am sick.  After a very difficult surgery, I could not hold back the tears from the pain.  He held me close all night and I saw tears in his eyes.  He ached to make me feel better.  His caring helped me in my recovery.
  • I love how we have been best friends, especially over the past four years.  We have had persons try to tear us apart, discourage, and cause pain.  We are standing firm in our friendship, our continuous courtship and most of all, our marriage.  We have withstood more than most and we will withstand more, I am sure.
  • He loves to make sure that I have my favorite meal, or ice cream, or vegetables close and he is quick to make me the best breakfast ever!

By now you must be thinking that my husband is near perfect.  Well, he is not perfect but the near part is quite accurate.  I could tell you about his imperfect side, but why would I even want to go there?  My mind is too full of good things about him.  I think that is what marriage is suppose to be.  Just keep noticing the good stuff and you will see all the reasons why I know that my husband loves me.  My husband is my Christmas Blessing because ..

I ride the dark horse ..

Copyright © 2016 by CandaLeeParker,

All rights reserved. This blog or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or similar cited with author's name and copyright.

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